Photo 135: Intro to Photojournalism: Reading Assignments

Instructor: Sue Leith:                Office Hours Monday 1-2 MRP 2011



Sports: Chapter 7 Test Review Questions


1)  How does the issue of timelyness  affect sports photography?


2)     How can you summarize a game in one photo?


3)     Besides action on the field, what else might you photograph at a sports event?


4)     What role do captions play with sports pictures?


5)     What is a sports feature and how does it differ from a sports news picture?


6)    How can photographers keep track of what happened, when during the game?


7) What are the factors that determine the minimum shutter speed you will need to stop action?


8)     What is panning and when might you use the technique?


9)     What is, and when should you use zone focus?


10)     What are some of the problems with auto focus?



11) What are the advantages and disadvantages of zoom lenses when shooting sports?


12)     Explain how to use ÒanticipationÓ when shooting a baseball game.


13)     How does reaction time play a part in sport photography?



14) What is the bread and butter or impact shot in basketball?